Saturday, June 20, 2020

Trust matters a lot!

Trust is gained in drops, lost in buckets is my favourite quote when it comes to Trust. Bill McDermott, ex CEO of SAP once said this. I keep referring to this quote every-time there is a discussion on trust, and I believe in it.

One may think trust comes in different shapes and sizes.

 It is trust that lets you get into a cab hoping to reach the destinations safe and sound. No, not just from. a woman's point of view. There are lesser known places where boarding a cab in broad daylight is not safe even for a wrestler.

It is trust that lets you buy a candy, your little one throws a tantrum for. Yes you know it is not one of the best things to feed her, but it wont harm her to a great extent.

It is the same trust that allows a pedestrian to cross the road, when the signal goes red. But yes, once upon a time pre-covid days, I have had many instances where this trust was broken on our very own Sarjapura road - Suncity signal. So much so that I tend to wait for a few seconds before all vehicles come to a halt even after red signal to cross the road. No traffic police at the signal has helped solve this issue.

The other day I was dead tired, and all I wanted was to sleep. That is when the thought came to my mind. The very reason we can afford a peaceful nights sleep is trust again. I am assured that once I close my doors, I won't be harmed. There are a few temporary houses near my place, made for construction workers. Come wind and rain, I can hear the asbestos sheet walls and roof shake. I wonder if they sleep peacefully in there?

In times like these trust is difficult to find. The other day around 10 at night, we had frantic ringing of the door bell. My daughter had just slept, she woke up to the sound, husband was looking for his mask before he could answer the bell. It was a neighbour, whom we had not seen before - perhaps has shifted in recently. His wife wasn't well and was asking if we could help. I quickly pulled a face mask and went to check. As I knocked on their door and entered the house, I must admit I had an element of doubt, what if there was no emergency. It was indeed one though. I assured him that I will be with his wife, while he goes and gets a doctor who lives in our apartment. Imagine the panic my husband too experienced, he came knocking soon after to check on me. He waited right outside the door, till the doctor came, checked gave medicines and I went back home. To add, this is a lady doctor, she too was accompanied by her husband. It is not that we don't trust the rest of human race, just that we perhaps don't want to take chance.

The kid following you to the park while happily playing with his toy car is barely aware of his surroundings. He knows the parents will take care of him. Till about 5 or 6 they even listen to most of what you say. Till the time comes, when like my little one they start saying, no Amma I don't trust you. Bowled!! Yes, I was shell shocked. What does a 6 year old know about trust? Well, may be some day I figure this out, and write about it too.

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